About Us

Wholeskool-An All-round Education

Our Purpose

We created Wholeskool because we believe that educational leaders should be able to focus on what really matters – students, teaching, and learning. Organisation administration should take care of itself hassle-free, with all stakeholders engaging with each other directly and efficiently with minimal management intervention.

Our Mission

Wholeskool is seeking to enhance the way in which the education industry is run – reducing management and Principal oversight of administrative operations, giving education managers transparent control over their organisation, and ensuring smooth communication and information flows between all stakeholders.

Our Vision

We are trying to find ways of automating as much as possible the operations of educational organisations so as to free up managers’ and principals’ time to be able to focus on providing quality learning outcomes and ensuring that the interests of their teachers, students, parents, and partners are respected. We are constantly testing and releasing new features to allow this to happen on an advanced basis.

Our Purpose

We created Wholeskool because we believe that educational leaders should be able to focus on what really matters – students, teaching, and learning. Organisation administration should take care of itself hassle-free, with all stakeholders engaging with each other directly and efficiently with minimal management intervention.

Our Mission

Wholeskool is seeking to enhance the way in which the education industry is run – reducing management and Principal oversight of administrative operations, giving education managers transparent control over their organisation, and ensuring smooth communication and information flows between all stakeholders.

Our Vision

Wholeskool is trying to find ways of automating as much as possible the operations of educational organisations so as to free up managers’ and principals’ time to be able to focus on providing quality learning outcomes and ensuring that the interests of their teachers, students, parents, and partners are respected. We are constantly testing and releasing new features and capabilities to allow this to happen on an ever more advanced basis.

Our Roots

For Wholeskool’s co-founder, Na’ím Anís Paymán, his life mission has always been to contribute towards an ever advancing civilisation. As such, he started pursuing his studies at the University of Cambridge in Natural Sciences, wishing to specialise in nanotechnology. Frustrated with the academic environment, he began experimenting with setting up various businesses as means of enabling him to achieve some meaningful impact more rapidly. The business that took off the fastest was Peymans, a short term rental management company, which within the span of a few years was numbering hundreds of units under management. Trying to cope with a rapidly growing business, and disappointed by the human error element which kept cropping up in various parts of the business, Zeevou was born. 

For Wholeskool’s co-founder, Na’ím Anís Paymán, his life mission has always been to contribute towards an ever advancing civilisation. As such, he started pursuing his studies at the University of Cambridge in Natural Sciences, wishing to specialise in nanotechnology. Frustrated with the academic environment, he began experimenting with setting up various businesses as means of enabling him to achieve some meaningful impact more rapidly. The business that took off the fastest was Peymans, a short term rental management company, which within the span of a few years was numbering hundreds of units under management. Trying to cope with a rapidly growing business, and disappointed by the human error element which kept cropping up in various parts of the business, Zeevou was born. 

Following a successful launch, Paymán started looking for a new initiative where he could use his accumulated experience in running a tech start-up for social goods. Wholeskool presented the perfect opportunity to help increase the quality of the service offered by educational establishments and further the cause of universal education. Equipped with relevant knowledge and skills acquired from running a platform that automates operations in the hospitality industry, he is set to offer a solid launching pad to help reduce operational inefficiencies in large school chains. Paymán is also also a mentor, consultant and angel investor, investing specifically in early stage start-ups run by aspiring entrepreneurs in developing countries with limited access to investments. 

Wholeskool’s co-founder Roshan Gandhi is a passionate education enthusiast, on a mission to provide universal access to quality education across India and beyond. Having graduated from the University of Oxford in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE), and with an MBA in Educational Leadership from University College London (UCL), Roshan serves in the senior leadership of City Montessori School as Director of Strategy – the world’s largest school with 57,000 students enrolled across its 18 campuses – executing major reforms to both operations and pedagogy largely through the strategic use of technology. Roshan has also worked in product leadership with high-value Education Technology firms and continues to consult for numerous ed-tech startups. Roshan is an established thought leader in India’s education space, frequently featuring as invited speaker or panelist in India’s most prestigious educational fora.

Wholeskool’s co-founder Roshan Gandhi is a passionate education enthusiast, on a mission to provide universal access to quality education across India and beyond. Having graduated from the University of Oxford in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE), and with an MBA in Educational Leadership from University College London (UCL), Roshan serves in the senior leadership of City Montessori School as Director of Strategy – the world’s largest school with 57,000 students enrolled across its 18 campuses – executing major reforms to both operations and pedagogy largely through the strategic use of technology. Roshan has also worked in product leadership with high-value Education Technology firms and continues to consult for numerous ed-tech startups. Roshan is an established thought leader in India’s education space, frequently featuring as invited speaker or panelist in India’s most prestigious educational fora.

With this strong education industry background, drawing on rich experience of both school chain leadership and education technology development, Roshan co-founded Wholeskool with a deep understanding of the real problems faced by educational leaders and the power of technology to solve them. He believes that Wholeskool has the potential to revolutionise how educational organisations are run, automating burdensome operational processes in a way that accounts for the unique realities of educational environments, freeing up managers and leaders to focus entirely on their core priorities of teaching, learning, and student wellbeing.

Why Us?

What guides and motivates us here at Wholeskool is a futuristic vision of what education should entail. We rapidly innovate by taking on board all our customers’ feedback and seek to implement every individual lightbulb moment to ensure that Wholeskool keeps fascinating its users. The desire to constantly innovate in order to exceed our customers’ expectations is what drives us forwards, and we hope that we will also be able to thereby assist in improving the relationship between the education industry with parents and society at large.

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