School Construction Management

Wholeskool consolidates construction management on a simple platform.

We understand your challenges. We understand your challenges.

Schools should keep expanding – after all, when you’re providing quality education, giving it to as many students as possible is a noble service. Building school buildings – either as extensions to existing schools, or as new school campuses on separate plots of land – is an excellent form of investment. Improving existing infrastructure – for example enhancing the school library, modernising the computer lab, or upgrading the electrical system – can also help improve the quality of education delivery to students.

We understand your challenges.

Schools should keep expanding – after all, when you’re providing quality education, giving it to as many students as possible is a noble service. Building school buildings – either as extensions to existing schools, or as new school campuses on separate plots of land – is an excellent form of investment. Improving existing infrastructure – for example enhancing the school library, modernising the computer lab, or upgrading the electrical system – can also help improve the quality of education delivery to students.

How can Wholeskool’s Construction Management System Help?

Wholeskool consolidates construction management on a simple platform that allows school leaders to be involved in the process only to the extent they really want to be: light-touch oversight without time-intensive involvement.

Explore the features below to understand the ease with which Wholeskool can enable you to automate school construction management and take care of your problems.

Auto-Estimate Project Requirements

Auto-Estimate Project Requirements

Approve the basic parameters of a project, and then Wholeskool takes care of the rest: a technical hand can input measurements, those measurements can be audited as desired, and then based on the type of work to be done and pre-programmed construction-industry norms, precise material requirements are auto-calculated – so there’s no scope of over-ordering or under-ordering material. This auto-calculation can be done for all different types of construction, renovation, and upgradation, without any advanced expertise required: a unique and extremely powerful feature of Wholeskool.

Auto-Manage Materials

Auto-Manage Materials

The process of ordering, purchasing, receiving, inspecting, and consuming material is all managed automatically by the platform, ensuring that site in-charges do so within the constraints pre-budgeted according to the construction-industry norms, so a school manager never needs to approve a purchase order or worry about pilferage again. The management of materials is made especially easy through seamless integration with Wholeskool’s Procurement Module and Stock Module.

Learn about the Procurement Module to understand how Wholeskool can also help you ensure that materials are ordered on a good rate, at a good quality, and with a quick delivery time. Learn about the Stock Module to understand how Wholeskool can help you ensure your materials are safely stored, how the system can track availability of material on different sites and recommend transferring materials between sites, and how surplus material can be taken care of appropriately.

Auto-Manage Labour

Auto-Manage Labour

Any project is ultimately executed by labourers. The right number of labours is needed – which will vary depending upon the size, timeline, and budget of the project – and they must be paid properly, and have their attendance, output, and work-quality monitored. Sometimes specialist labourers of different kinds are also required – electricians, masons, carpenters, blacksmiths, etc.

Wholeskool eases the process of labour management by auto-calculating the required number based on the proposed project timeline and budget, and by providing a simple platform on which to track their attendance and transparently manage their payments.

Auto-Manage Billing & Contracting

Auto-Manage Billing & Contracting

Each separate element of the project, however large or complex, will be automatically tracked. At pre-set milestones and/or random junctures, audits and quality checks are prompted and recorded by the Wholeskool system: so, for example, when a 50% bill- instalment for a painting job needs to be paid, the inspection to ensure the completion and quality of the first 50% is triggered, and when it is completed the bill can be automatically passed and processed accordingly.

With many projects or subprojects delegated to contractors, it is essential that schools have robust contracts that put power in the school’s hand and ensure quality and timeliness. Wholeskool’s contract templates simplify this process, ensuring that a contract favourable to the school is quickly formulated, codifying all the checks and balances to keep the contractor accountable.

Auto-Manage Projects and People

Auto-Manage Projects and People

Ensure that the project is proceeding on schedule using the project tracking tools, and have someone (or even the system itself automatically!) follow up with prompts when required if things are falling behind. See reports related to all aspects of the project’s progress, the status of materials and labour, billing, and quality inspection. And extract information to keep site managers and project managers accountable: they are responsible for getting the project delivered on time, on budget, and with quality; using the data generated by this system you can determine the extent to which they are doing so.

How Can Wholeskool’s Construction Management System Help?

Wholeskool consolidates construction management on a simple platform that allows school leaders to be involved in the process only to the extent they really want to be: light-touch oversight without time-intensive involvement.

Explore the features below to understand the ease with which Wholeskool can enable you to automate school construction management and take care of your problems.

Auto-Estimate Project Requirements

Auto-Estimate Project Requirements

Approve the basic parameters of a project, and then Wholeskool takes care of the rest: a technical hand can input measurements, those measurements can be audited as desired, and then based on the type of work to be done and pre-programmed construction-industry norms, precise material requirements are auto-calculated – so there’s no scope of over-ordering or under-ordering material. This auto-calculation can be done for all different types of construction, renovation, and upgradation, without any advanced expertise required: a unique and extremely powerful feature of Wholeskool.

Auto-Manage Materials

Auto-Manage Materials

The process of ordering, purchasing, receiving, inspecting, and consuming material is all managed automatically by the platform, ensuring that site in-charges do so within the constraints pre-budgeted according to the construction-industry norms, so a school manager never needs to approve a purchase order or worry about pilferage again. The management of materials is made especially easy through seamless integration with Wholeskool’s Procurement Module and Stock Module.

Learn about the Procurement Module to understand how Wholeskool can also help you ensure that materials are ordered on a good rate, at a good quality, and with a quick delivery time. Learn about the Stock Module to understand how Wholeskool can help you ensure your materials are safely stored, how the system can track availability of material on different sites and recommend transferring materials between sites, and how surplus material can be taken care of appropriately.

Auto-Manage Labour

Auto-Manage Labour

Any project is ultimately executed by labourers. The right number of labours is needed – which will vary depending upon the size, timeline, and budget of the project – and they must be paid properly, and have their attendance, output, and work-quality monitored. Sometimes specialist labourers of different kinds are also required – electricians, masons, carpenters, blacksmiths, etc.

Wholeskool eases the process of labour management by auto-calculating the required number based on the proposed project timeline and budget, and by providing a simple platform on which to track their attendance and transparently manage their payments.

Auto-Manage Billing & Contracting

Auto-Manage Billing & Contracting

Each separate element of the project, however large or complex, will be automatically tracked. At pre-set milestones and/or random junctures, audits and quality checks are prompted and recorded by the Wholeskool system: so, for example, when a 50% bill- instalment for a painting job needs to be paid, the inspection to ensure the completion and quality of the first 50% is triggered, and when it is completed the bill can be automatically passed and processed accordingly.

With many projects or subprojects delegated to contractors, it is essential that schools have robust contracts that put power in the school’s hand and ensure quality and timeliness. Wholeskool’s contract templates simplify this process, ensuring that a contract favourable to the school is quickly formulated, codifying all the checks and balances to keep the contractor accountable.

Auto-Manage Projects and People

Auto-Manage Projects and People

Ensure that the project is proceeding on schedule using the project tracking tools, and have someone (or even the system itself automatically!) follow up with prompts when required if things are falling behind. See reports related to all aspects of the project’s progress, the status of materials and labour, billing, and quality inspection. And extract information to keep site managers and project managers accountable: they are responsible for getting the project delivered on time, on budget, and with quality; using the data generated by this system you can determine the extent to which they are doing so.

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